Pastor Alvin Ashley, is a native of Shreveport, La. He has reigned in humility as Senior Pastor at Christ Center Church for 12 years. Serving the People of God with the Compassion and Love that could only come from a vessel sold out to the Master Himself. Pastor Alvin teaches the true principles of God under a One Flesh Ministry with His Wife, Apostle Brenda Ashley. Pastor Alvin Ashley is the Chief Overseer for over 37 Ministries In Action that have been birthed under his leadership. He teaches with true conviction, principles for Abundant Living, such as Faith, Family and Finance messages that will help you obtain a better life. Before he was called to Pastor, Pastor Ashley was faithful unto another man's ministry for several years as an Usher, Transportation Ministry Driver, and as an Armour bearer. As he was faithful to another man's ministry, God promoted Pastor Ashley into his own ministry. In October of 2001, Pastor Alvin Ashley birthed into the earth realm, Empowering Disciples Bible Study. In 2002 Pastor was given the awesome assignment from God to move the Ministry, changing S.I.S.T.E.R.S. from a monthly meeting to A Family Church. The name was changed from S.I.S.T.E.R.S. to Christ Center Church, Home of S.I.S.T.E.R.S. Restoration Crisis Center. Pastor Ashley remained steadfast and focused on the assignment from God for 6 years at 1920 Jewella Avenue, 3000 sq. ft., being the first home of the Congregation, which later became Christ Center Childcare. In March 2006, God spoke a Word to the Man of God that Christ Center Church was about to Expand in Plan, not By Man, but by God's Command! And God did just that. In April 2007, God moved again and gave instruction to the Man of God to purchase our new location at 6808 Jefferson Paige Rd., Shreveport, La. This time God blessed us with 47,000 sq. foot facility and 20 acres of land to further HIS Kingdom. Christ Center Church moved from a Corner to a Campus! By no means is this story complete.

Apostle Brenda M. Ashley, Apostle Brenda M. Ashley, Co-Pastor of Christ Center Church and Founder of S.I.S.T.E.R.S. International Ministries, is a woman on a mission for God! The gift that has been placed into this dynamic Woman of God has transformed her life into a Destiny of Purpose that only she can fulfill by her walk with God. As a wife and mother of 32 years, she and her husband, Pastor Alvin R. Ashley, lead a one flesh, family oriented ministry, joined by their 2 sons. As God would have it, her life experiences as a wife, mother and friend to many, allows her to relate to people from all walks of life, on a personable level, being a life coach that will help them to achieve the destiny God has prepared for them. It was from her own personal struggles that God did a New Thing and birthed S.I.S.T.E.R.S. International, Inc. into the earth realm. This became her personal mission to teach, train, and tutor women, by the Word of God, how to live The Good Life. She is the CEO of SISTERS Restoration Crisis Center a transitional housing for women and children in crisis situation.

She is an accomplished author, prophetic songwriter, and entrepreneur. She is the owner of iCARE GIFTS, S.U.R.V.I.V.O.R. International Candles, S.I.S.T.E.R.S. Sensational Seasonal Cards, and a line of S.I.S.T.E.R.S. At Rest Pillows, and Wear The BEST Rich Wear. She is the founder and Executive Director of her own publication, All About Change Magazine. She has published 5 books, My Salvation Handbook, The Excellence Planner, BACK-ON-TRACK, The How To's of Starting A Prayer Ministry: Course 101, You Train Them Parenting Handbook, & Preaching Made Easy, with more to come. She is a Life Coach whose Passion is to Bring-Out the BEST in You through her, Best Life Training, as your Personal Development Coach!!!
Her accomplishments and work has been noticed and awarded by many throughout the country. Some of her most notable awards are the 2005 Women Who Have Made A Difference Award from the YWCA of Northwest Louisiana, awarded to her on behalf of the work done through SISTERS International Ministries; the 2008 ATHENA AWARD from the Women's Business Council, an Affiliate of the Greater Shreveport Chamber of Commerce; the Bishop IV and Lady Bridget Hilliard Literary Award presented to her on October 21, 2009 in Houston, Texas, for being a Published Author; and the 2012 Excellence Business Award presented by Dr. Stacia Pierce in Orlando, Florida.
As great as all of her many accolades and businesses may sound, there is one thing that is worth far more to Apostle Brenda Ashley and that is being a Grandmother! As a Grandmother, she enjoys imparting into and training her grandchildren to continue her legacy of successful kingdom building. Apostle Brenda Ashley knows who she is in God and is a true gem in the treasure chest of God's Kingdom!